Monday, October 28, 2013

EL MONO ES FEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I was walking with my teeth hanging out and suddenly a MUY GRANDE MONO (Very large monkey) started PUNCHING an MUY BAJO PERRO (Very short dog)!!!!! And to make matters even FREAKING worse, EL MONO ES FEO (The monkey is ugly)!!!!!......So then I said to myself.....What a wonderful world :) Anyways I decided this is NOT okay so I rounded up my twelve BALLSACS and fifteen PENUSES and headed towards the FEO MONO (Ugly monkey). EL MONO (The monkey) saw all my JUNK IN MY PANTS and took off towards MEXICO (Mexico). Then I said PEE PEE WEINER ANUS CLORINE and fell off a cliff leaving behind my anus hole....and my pee pee wiener ballsac PWEEENUUSSSSS!!!!!!
(The End)