Monday, July 22, 2013

Underwater Parachuting

      Once upon a time there was a freaking idiotic balsamic vinegar child that smelled like freaky alien hands. He thought it would be a dandy idea to go skydiving UNDERWATER! OHHHWEEEOHHHH!!! He got his beat up parachute and jumped into the water. He was expecting to fall at the speed of light but instead he just slowly floated to the bottom. HE LIKED IT! He didn't stop crying because Rubber Johnny kept poking the balsamic vinegar child in the eye with his wheel chair!!! Rubber Johnny's pee pee decided to smile delightfully at the balsamic vinegar child which caused him to scream BLOODY MURDER!!! nobody cared except for a shark that had an inside out ANUS HOLE. The shark asked if he could help but balsamic vinegar child quickly responded "NO I FREAKING WANT MY OWN ICE CREAM WIENER DOG!!" The anus shark started biting Rubber Johnny's soft mushy head and slurping up all of his RANSID brains.  Two years later there was a pee pee anus hole walrus named JUNKY NOOSE. He didn't have anything to do with this story....just thought I'd mention him....THE END.....For now!

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